Sunday, November 16, 2014

Don't Just Win the Battle; Win the War

There are things in life that people will fight for. Everyone has something different , and it's not the thing that matters. It's the will to put everything on the line and fight to the death for it. If you're not willing to fight for the things you believe in, your beliefs aren't strong enough. If you're not willing to put it all on the line for something or someone you love, it isn't real love. If it is important; if it truly means something to you, you will do whatever it takes to make sure it is a success. If not, you'll come up with reasons as to why you weren't successful. Fight for the things you believe in, no matter how hard it will get.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

NEVER GIVE matter what

It can be a lot harder than it sounds sometimes. Sometimes, life will blindside you and you just want to stay on the ground and give up. But we can't do that. We have to stand tall. We have to continually get back up and never give up. When life decides to smack you across the face, spin around and smack it back. You are stronger than you know and the only way to find out just how strong is to NEVER EVER give up. 
Keep Moving Forward. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

It's the Little Things

This picture really speaks for itself, but think about it this way. It's the little things in life that mean the most. All they did was bring this homeless guy a decorated tree and some little gifts. Look at how he reacts. It wasn't that they gave him amazing things. They gave him some food, water, a blanket and some shoes. Those aren't extravagant things and yet he is completely and utterly happy.
We don't have to give people amazing and extravagant things to make them happy. It's always the little things in life that people remember way down the line. It's those little things that make such a difference in people's lives.
Go out and do something for someone. Even if it's just giving a compliment to a random stranger, do it. It will make their day as long as it is sincere and genuine. Go and make someone's day a little brighter.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Faith in Humanity Restored

This is a very simple story. Not many people would really think about it. They'd read it, get a little emotional, and go about their day.
But really think about it. This brother, Noah, was eight years old. He trained specifically so he could bring his six year old brother with him through a triathlon.
How many kids do you know who has this kind of love and devotion? How many people have this kind of selflessness?
Noah loved his brother so much that he was willing to put in five months of extra work to bring his brother with him. He worked hard in order to include his younger brother.
When going through life today, remember Noah. Remember the selflessness he had. Remember his dedication and love for his brother.
If an eight year old little boy can do something that selfless, what excuse do you have to be selfish.
Be selfless.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Give yourself a little push

Think of what you can do today to show yourself that your life really means something.

 Think of what you can do today to get yourself refreshingly outside your comfort zone.

Challenges and new situations will put you a little on edge and make you a bit uncomfortable. And as such, they will empower you greatly.

You can do much more than you now imagine you can do. Let yourself find out what that is.

There’s more to life than speculating about what you might be able to do, and wondering whether or not you can. At some point you must find out for yourself.

Give yourself a little push into something that will challenge you in a meaningful way. 

Jump in and get busy transforming what you wish for and what you dream about into what is.

Discover how truly purposeful, creative, capable and effective you can be. Feel how much stronger and how much more alive you can become.

— Ralph Marston

(Thursday, September 4th, 2014) ~The Daily Motivatior


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Failure is the key to success.”  How in the world can this be true?  Well, many people would argue that it often is and some have the proof! 

Look into it yourself! [i.e. Oprah, Bill Gates, Beethoven, Issac Newton, Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Marilyn Monroe, & the list goes on!]


The key to making failure the key to your success is to never, ever, ever give up!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

simple as that.

Never be satisfied.  Never be content.  Never stop at ‘good enough.’

You’re better than that.

Reach beyond the stars.

Reach a goal?  Set another.

You can always do more and be more.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

On Top of the World

“Psychology Today” describes ‘motivation’ as:

‘[Motivation] is literally the desire to do things. It's the difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It's the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you want, power through the pain period, and start being who you want to be.’

What a great insight!! When you want to make something happen and it is a process (like most things are), you may need that motivation to stay inspired and keep on working for what you want!!

You can do it!! The limit does not exist!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Have the Power to Keep Moving

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”-Benjamin Franklin

Do you sometimes get stuck in a rut?  It can be hard to keep going and pursuing your dreams may seem impossible.  Don’t give up!!

Maybe you are starting to feel as though your actions aren’t getting you anywhere in a long process of work; maybe it’s only Wednesday and you want to give up-but it’s not even Friday! Or maybe you just need a little inspiration!

Check out this page that has ten inspiring quotes to help you KEEP GOING!!!

Good luck, you can do it!

“If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”-Martin Luther King, Jr.

10 Quotes on Persistence   << Link to page

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

To the Left, To the Left, You're Irreplaceable!

I would bet that everyone reading this has wondered what the purpose of his or her life will be.

What do you want to be?  What type of legacy will you leave?  Why are you alive?

Most people will try to make their own answer, which is probably the most correct, because you get to make your life.  You are given certain characteristics and environments that you cannot control, and the rest is up to you to decide your being and outcome.

One thing people like to be is irreplaceable.  What better feeling is there than to be needed and appreciated?  Your legacy would be simply unique if you are irreplaceable.

This article from gives us five ways to become just that.

Those five ways are:
1. Do the un-required work
2. Get rid of toxic people
3. Put people first but take care of you
4. Differentiate yourself
5. Be about that action

Five ways to take action to becoming irreplaceable seems too easy, and it probably is right away.  However, once you start, those types of actions will become habit and before you realize it-to the left, to the left-you’re irreplaceable!

For more in-depth details about these five steps, visit this link:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Would you like your Success Now or Later?

Do you have goals you haven’t reached yet?  Whether you’ve started to work on that goal or not, this article explains why you should take the hardest route. The hardest route is most likely the quickest!  However, it will also most likely increase the likelihood of screwing up (but only right away!)  Screwing up in turn teaches you to be resilient and learn from your mistakes and you will still prosper quicker than dragging out the process and taking short cuts!

Here are some examples, then take a look at the link below!

1.    Getting in shape: Should you go to the gym every day or just try running every once in awhile?
2.   Starting a business: Should you e-mail every person in your field to ask for advice and interview potential customers who are strangers or just talk to a few friends you know?
3.   Writing a book: Should you set a firm deadline, amounts you should write each day and contact publishers and agents, or just write when you feel like it and see how things go?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Success Vs. Failure

When you really, really want to be successful, the one thing you may fear most is failure.  Do not be afraid!  I have a link with 10 reasons why most people are major failure.  Hint: Don’t do/be those things!!

Link>>  10 REASONS

“The only person holding you back is you.  No more excuses, it’s time to change.  It’s time to live life at a new level!”

This next link gives you nine daily routines and rituals of highly successful people.  Read and ponder which person you are most similar to or maybe combine a few.  Pick out some tips and make a routine for success of your own!  Obviously, your schedule will be different because I assume you are not an author, an inventor, a music composer, AND the President!!  Hopefully you can grasp my concept though.
~Warning: some rituals are a little funky!

Link>>  9 RITUALS 

I hope you got some knowledge from those and you can start off on your way to becoming successful!