Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Commonly Mistaken

"People aren't against you; they're for themselves."-unknown

This quote has actually helped me a lot in many situations.  I have also passed this quote on to others in situations where it would be helpful.  For example my friend had an art review where worthy professors had to criticize his artwork projects from over the years and tell him if he should still be in the art program.  It seems like a pretty intense, nerve-wracking situation!  I use this quote in a little different context, but I reminded him that they don't want to see him fail.  The professors are going to constructively tell him the truth to help him.  They aren't going to be mean just to be mean, they want to see him succeed!  That helped him a lot because he knew they weren't there to break him down, they were there for good reasons and he didn't need to be nervous.

When going into an interview, or having to give a speech, don't be nervous!  People listening and in the crowd want to see you do well and thrive!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Praise vs. Criticism

Scott Young has a great blog and this is one post he had that is very interesting.  It is like the thought, "You can't have good without having bad." They go hand in hand.  This is the same concept but it is with praise and criticism.
He writes about how to not overly take praise to heart and get too confident because that leads to laziness.  When you take praise in deeply, you will take in criticism deeply and that can really effect your efforts and outcomes!
He has a few tips he goes into detail on such as 'Stop caring what others think of yourself,' and 'Start caring what you think of yourself,' and lastly, how the ideal state of mind is 'humble confidence.'

Take a look at the article here:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Instant Motivation!

Need some instant motivation?  Here is a spirit lifting website that will motivate you to rock today!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

20 Things To Start Doing

Feel better everyday!!

1. Drink a lot of water (or green tea)
2. Eat a large breakfast, an average lunch, and a tiny dinner
3. Eat fruits, veggies, and natural food
4. Go for a walk, swim, or bike ride
5. Read a book
6. Go to bed earlier
7. Stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself
8. Don't dwell on the past
9. Enjoy the little things in life
10. Do not judge or compare yourself to others
11. Begin yoga or meditation
12. Don't put things off
13. Avoid processed food
14. Stretch daily to increase flexibility
15. Listen to peaceful music
16. Live in a tidy space
17. Wear clothes that make you happy :)
18. Throw away things you don't need
19. Remember that all the effort you are making right now will pay off in the end!
20. Go outside more