Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Have the Power to Keep Moving

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”-Benjamin Franklin

Do you sometimes get stuck in a rut?  It can be hard to keep going and pursuing your dreams may seem impossible.  Don’t give up!!

Maybe you are starting to feel as though your actions aren’t getting you anywhere in a long process of work; maybe it’s only Wednesday and you want to give up-but it’s not even Friday! Or maybe you just need a little inspiration!

Check out this page that has ten inspiring quotes to help you KEEP GOING!!!

Good luck, you can do it!

“If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”-Martin Luther King, Jr.

10 Quotes on Persistence   << Link to page

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

To the Left, To the Left, You're Irreplaceable!

I would bet that everyone reading this has wondered what the purpose of his or her life will be.

What do you want to be?  What type of legacy will you leave?  Why are you alive?

Most people will try to make their own answer, which is probably the most correct, because you get to make your life.  You are given certain characteristics and environments that you cannot control, and the rest is up to you to decide your being and outcome.

One thing people like to be is irreplaceable.  What better feeling is there than to be needed and appreciated?  Your legacy would be simply unique if you are irreplaceable.

This article from gives us five ways to become just that.

Those five ways are:
1. Do the un-required work
2. Get rid of toxic people
3. Put people first but take care of you
4. Differentiate yourself
5. Be about that action

Five ways to take action to becoming irreplaceable seems too easy, and it probably is right away.  However, once you start, those types of actions will become habit and before you realize it-to the left, to the left-you’re irreplaceable!

For more in-depth details about these five steps, visit this link:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Would you like your Success Now or Later?

Do you have goals you haven’t reached yet?  Whether you’ve started to work on that goal or not, this article explains why you should take the hardest route. The hardest route is most likely the quickest!  However, it will also most likely increase the likelihood of screwing up (but only right away!)  Screwing up in turn teaches you to be resilient and learn from your mistakes and you will still prosper quicker than dragging out the process and taking short cuts!

Here are some examples, then take a look at the link below!

1.    Getting in shape: Should you go to the gym every day or just try running every once in awhile?
2.   Starting a business: Should you e-mail every person in your field to ask for advice and interview potential customers who are strangers or just talk to a few friends you know?
3.   Writing a book: Should you set a firm deadline, amounts you should write each day and contact publishers and agents, or just write when you feel like it and see how things go?